Searching for Colleges, Universities & Trade Schools
Use the College Scorecard to compare your options for colleges, universities or trade schools. Find information such as average cost, student demographics, average salary after graduation & more! Easily compare the schools you are interested in and narrow down your list. NOTE: we recommend having at least 3-5 schools to apply to!
Start here: College Scorecard

How to Apply
YISD Seniors & Parents!
Are you ready to start the college admissions application process?
NOTE: The Ysleta ISD does require all Seniors to submit at least one application to a higher education institution as per District Graduation Requirements.
Please know there are two different online applications available to help you, the ApplyTexas application and the Common Application.
Applytexas Application
If you are planning to attend a public Texas college/university, the ApplyTexas website is the most convenient site to use allowing students to easily "copy" their application to various other Texas schools.
Watch the videos on the right and use the checklist below, for tips and information on why and how to apply for college using ApplyTexas.
Checklist: How to Complete the ApplyTexas Application
Common Application
If you are planning on applying to an out-of-state or private colleges/universities, the Common Application is the best course to take. Each year, more than 1 million students apply to more than 950 Common App member colleges worldwide through our online college application platform. Learn more about applying through our first-year application by following our step-by-step guide.
Contact your School Counselor or Go Center for questions and assistance!
Application Workshops
The Ysleta ISD in partnership with UTEP and EPCC, will hold ApplyTexas Workshops at each campus during the school day to assist Seniors with their college applications. Following is the campus schedule for these workshops:
Bel Air HS: Sep. 15-16th
Cesar Chavez Academy: TBD
Del Valle HS: Aug. 11-12th
Eastwood HS: Sep. 1-2nd
Hanks HS: Sep. 15-16th
Parkland HS: Sep. 8-9th
Plato Academy: TBD
Riverside HS: Aug. 18-19th
Tejas SOC: Aug. 12th
Valle Verde ECHS: Sep. 27-28th
YWLA: Aug. 16th
Ysleta HS: Aug. 25-26th
Ask Advi for Help 24/7

College Plan Checklist for Juniors
Juniors - use this checklist from GetSchooled to stay on track as you head into your Senior year and begin the college application process!
Get Accepted Guide!
Download the FREE "Get Accepted Guide" from GetSchooled with step by step instructions, tips and timeline on how best to prepare your college admissions applications!
Build Your College List
Want to know how to best create your potential college list? Categorize them to make sure you will have the best options available! Use the form below to list the colleges/universities/trade schools you are interested in attending. Categorize your options as:
Reach School - you may not be the strongest candidate but there's a chance you could get in!
Match School - you fit the general admissions criteria and have a strong chance of getting in!
Safety School - you exceed the criteria and will more than likely get in!